I used to think that my purpose was this far away treasure, way out in the future. A gigantic thing that I had to find as soon as possible. But that often left me feeling like something was missing in my life, like there was some kind of gap. More recently, I discovered a new way to look at purpose. And the great news is, it’s a lot closer than you think. That’s why today I will share a stress-free approach to finding purpose and meaning in your life.
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What is a person's need to find meaning and purpose in life?
If we look at the meaning behind the word purpose.
Purpose - “The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.”
Interestingly, this comes around through a higher level of consciousness. In short, meaning and purpose are spiritual needs.
At the lower levels of awareness, the basic needs of humans are survival - food and shelter. This is indicated in many historical teachings including Maslow's hierarchy of needs (shown below). So, the very fact you feel pulled to the idea of meaning and purpose is a natural process of wanting to become more.
The Masses Gruel Their Way Through Life Living On Autopilot
If you take some time to observe people in your day-to-day life, you’ll notice that many of them are sucked into their automated world of misery. That might sound a tad harsh, and for some, they’re quite content in their life.
But many of them are living life based on other people's expectations, injected beliefs, and following the masses ideas of how life should be lived. This eventually causes deep unfulfillment, a lack of meaning and sense of purpose.
That’s why so many people complain about their jobs, living situation, or private life challenges. There’s a deep disconnection to themselves, others, and the world in which we exist. It can also impact self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth.
You might feel as if something is missing, or doesn’t feel quite right, but you’re not sure what the fuck it is. Let’s dial that in a little to get you some clarity.
Read: The Thing That Hold's You Back The Most in Life
How Do I Know My Purpose in Life?
Your Purpose Is A Lot Closer Than You Think
Every decision that you’ve ever made in your life has got you to where you are today. You may say that you’re not where you want to be, but if you dig in close enough, you’ll see some patterns.
Know that your purpose can be whatever you want it to be. And most likely, it’s tied to your current reality.
Here are some questions to elicit some clarity
Pick your top 2-3 things for each question. With each answer, I want you to identify the specifics of what that thing means to you.
1. What subjects do you talk about the most?
2. What do you spend most of your time doing?
3. What do you spend most of your time thinking about?
4. What items are in your proximity the most often and what do they represent?
5. What do you love doing?
6. What did you feel was missing the most in your life as a kid?
Your Surroundings Will Tell The Truth
Finding purpose and meaning in your life will become easier when you stop looking too far ahead. There will be things in your life that you naturally get drawn towards each day.
Hobbies, passions, interests, personality traits, certain types of people, or the way you do a particular thing. You may find examples or past memories that will show truth in this.
I’ll give you an example.
For me, I really began to notice and accept that I truly love my inner sense of peace, comfort, and harmony. Years ago, I was always the one that was happy to go home first and get my sleep. Whenever this gets interfered with, it really bugs me.
I enjoy alone time with mood lighting, soft music, and my own thoughts. I prefer deep and meaningful conversations with a few than to be at a large gathering with many. Time in nature and seeing the beauty in things gives me energy. Meditation, audiobooks, and self-development are extremely relaxing things. I’d rather get an early night and wake up early feeling refreshed and calm.
All of these things clearly indicated to me that my purpose is to live in harmony with my mind, body, and emotions through self-mastery. And to express this by helping others on their journey.
This is an ongoing thing, but it’s not something that’s way out in the future. Knowing this will actually take some of the stress and pressure away.
Give it your all
Simply by giving your all in the day-to-day life that you live, you’ll feel a greater sense of purpose. This actually came up in a conversation I was having with a friend recently. He said that it’s a big value for him - “If you’re not going to give it all you’ve got, what’s the point?”
Ultimately, your purpose will find you. It’ll be the subtle things that you feel drawn to in your daily life. Things will become clearer when you quiet the noise of the external world, and you’ll be able to see what truly matters most.
You are perfect as you are. There are hidden gifts and talents already within you. Find those, water them, and allow them to blossom. Eliminate the projections from other people and their ideals. This is your life, your path, your purpose. Do what makes you happy.
A stress-free approach to finding purpose and meaning in your life.
I know that it’s important for you to feel a sense of meaning and purpose. And I can assure you that it’s much closer than you think. Look within yourself, look around you, and notice that which lights your soul.
Your purpose may well change throughout your life and that’s okay too. Our life experiences influence our beliefs, choices, and decisions in all that we do. We often find new meaning in certain things as old patterns or habits begin to disappear. Allow yourself the space and time to disconnect from the outside noise and to listen closely to your inner world. It’s always there to guide you along your journey.
Do you want to gain clarity in your life, create better balance, live with more purpose, and step into the person you were meant to be? Book a discovery call and we can talk about moving you forwards in your life.