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The 7 Mindset Shifts That Changed My Life

the 7 mindset shifts that changed my life

If you’re looking to improve and transform any area of your life, it will certainly require you to shift your mindset. Whether it’s to make money, transform your body, or attract a perfect partner into your life, your inner game is the key to everything. Today, I’m going to share with you the 7 mindset shifts that changed my life.

And for reference, I’ll give you a super shorthand version of my transformation. I used to be very shy, lacked confidence was relatively skinny, was terrible at dating, felt insecure, had low self-esteem, and was stuck in low-paid unfulfilling jobs. The list could go on, but I think you get the idea.

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What did I transform?

One of the big transformations I’ve had is to find my purpose in life. To find a new passion, to move to another country, to start my own business, to more than triple my income, and to have other sources of income. Truthfully, to just feel much better about myself, my body, mindset,  and pretty much all of my life.  From my own experiences, things I’ve read, studied, and clients I’ve worked with, mindset is the number one thing that you can change right now that’s going to put you on track to a brand-new life.

The Victim Mentality/Mindset

The first thing that changed things for me was when I decided to stop being a victim. I know, I know, this can sometimes be triggering for people. But it’s a hard truth that I had to swallow. And quite frankly, I’m so grateful I did.

Let me address what I mean when I use the term “victim”. I must be very clear; I am not aiming at anyone who has experienced any kind of abuse or trauma. In this context, being a victim is simply living your life with a certain lens. It’s where you always see what is wrong with things in your life, the glass is always half-empty, and the world is against you. (I lived here for quite a long time).

Unfortunately, living life here gets quite comfortable and people easily remain trapped here. Many people aren’t even aware of it. It’s kind of like being in a prison of your mind. Your thoughts and beliefs keep you stuck here.

It was when I became aware of this that I was then able to challenge my reality. This was when I decided to take my power back and not let the outside world control me.

If you’re already past that point, then congratulations and it’s an extremely powerful and rewarding place to be.

Deciding to take responsibility

The other mindset shift that I made was in my decision to take responsibility. Many things happen in life that are outside of our control. We go through breakups, lose loved ones, lose a job, or have some failures in our career choices. These things happen, it’s a part of life. However, they don’t have to hold us back.

When you take responsibility, it’s about you deciding that no matter what happens, you’re choosing how you deal with it. You can move forwards no matter what. It’s about accepting what has happened but consciously deciding that you don’t want to let it keep you stuck.

This shift allowed me to let go of so many old stories that kept me stuck.

Living from a place of curiosity

I also decided to live from a place of curiosity. Rather than think I’m always right or assume my beliefs are true, I decided to question everything. What if my perspective isn’t accurate? What if there is a better way? What might be possible if I shift my thinking?

This simple change to an open-mindedness allowed me to become way more tuned into personal growth and developing myself. New doors opened, and I saw things differently and was able to change much more quickly.

I shifted my focus to a state of gratitude

Gratitude is probably the easiest and most powerful thing that anyone can focus on to change their life.  I first picked this up by reading the book, The Secret and I started exploring other possibilities within the law of attraction world. This is how I discovered one of my greatest mentors of all time, Bob Proctor.

I got deep into the idea of gratitude and its power. The practice is a simple way to shift your focus on the things that you have rather than what is missing. If you decide to incorporate this practice, you will find that in your day-to-day life, you start seeing more of the things that you want. Doing so will naturally raise the emotions and vibration of how you feel.

Cultivate a desire for growth

Humans are creative beings. There is something inside each of us that wants more from life. We want to grow, create, and experience more. But you must harness that desire. This is important. If you just “kind of” want something different, it will be difficult. You’ve got to develop a massive desire for growth, and this isn’t something that you are just born with. I truly believe that your life experiences and the things that happen will bring you new challenges and inspiration to do more.

I challenged my beliefs

Part of the desire for growth comes down to beliefs because many people don’t believe that they can change their life. They don’t believe that they’re capable of doing more, and they feel restricted in their own life. That’s why people settle. Their lifestyle is based on what they think is possible, not what they want.

I had limiting beliefs about different things, including money. I started to challenge all of my beliefs that simply weren’t serving me and the person I wanted to become. After reframing old beliefs, I started feeling the difference. That’s when things start taking off. Because the mindset, the ability to change your belief, to take control of the internal game, allows you to move forward no matter what’s happening around you.

I decided to never give up

The best for last, right? This decision of building tenacity and persistence has, without a doubt, been the biggest factor in transforming my life. I can still remember that internal decision and feeling I had. And I remember thinking that I can get knocked down multiple times over and over and over again, but I’m going to keep moving forwards because I truly believe inside, I can do it and I have an insane desire.

Tenacity is about constantly moving toward what you want and not letting anything pull you down. But of course, there are going to be times along the way when you have challenges, you have setbacks, you feel like giving up, and you feel like many things are going against you. And that’s where a clear vision and solid foundation of purpose sets you up.


Changing your mindset is in your own hands but you do want to surround yourself with good people. Ultimately, you’ve got to have that burning desire inside you, and I truly believe that everyone has that within them. I’d love to hear what you’re currently working on. What challenges are you having? What things have you overcome?

If you want to create more energy in your life, reclaim a sense of control, and stop self-sabotaging yourself, I can help you transform your life. Schedule a complimentary discovery call with me where we’ll address what’s holding you back and lay down a game plan to move you forward in your life.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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