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  • A Secret Hack To Overcome Fear (It Really Works)

A Secret Hack To Overcome Fear (It Really Works)


Perhaps you’ve read posts or watched some videos in the past about how to overcome different types of fear. It’s something I have talked about many times.

Maybe in a specific moment, when the emotions are boiling, and you’re in a fearful state – you forget about some of that stuff. You just want something that can instantly help you overcome fear.

Today, I want to share with you a secret hack to help you overcome fear in those challenging times.

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How Can I train my mind to overcome fear?

The first thing to understand when it comes to fear is that how we perceive something is how we respond to it.

It comes down to a shift in mindset and a change of perspective.

Here it is.

The secret hack to overcome fear

Fear and excitement have the same physical response in your body. It’s all about perception.

You want to make the shift so that rather than seeing it as scary, you see it as excitement. And if you find it hard to believe, let me share a few examples.

What do horror movies and rollercoasters have in common?

They can both be perceived as scary and exciting at the same time. And it’s because those emotions are so closely aligned.

Read: How To Overcome Fear In Your Life

Read: How To Overcome The Fear Of Change

Reframe fear in advance

Now we know that both fear and excitement are closely aligned; you want to find ways to set yourself up for success.

To do this, you can prepare in advance for certain things that you know you have fear around. Please spend some time to think about them and create a new story and meaning about it.

Let’s say you have crippling fear when approaching someone of the opposite sex, which you may want to ask out. If your mindset is focused on rejection, messing up, and the terrifying feelings that come with that, it’s not going to serve you at all.

On the other hand, if you switch your perspective to one that is more empowering, you can begin to find ways to become excited with it. “I am super pumped to go and introduce myself to this beautiful person.”

The real issue here is that we attach a meaning to things that don’t serve us and become so focused on that outcome that we don’t take action. “If I go and speak to this person and it doesn’t go as I’d like, it’s because I’m not good enough…”

Not all emotions are equal

In the context of this topic, I want to help you understand a key factor here.

The concept of being able to change your emotions at any moment is real. However, when it comes to something such as fear, you can’t just go from fear to calm so quickly. In that hyped-up emotional state of fear, it’s not so easy to instantly get into Zen mode.

And there is a good reason for this. If you were being chased by a bear and felt fearful and terrified, that's a good thing. It means you are in the survival, fight or flight mode. Imagine taking a few deep breaths here - there's a high probability you'd become a meal.

Your mind and body recognize that it’s a big gap to go from one extreme to the other. Whereas excitement is just as intense as fear. The shift here is a little easier for your body to comprehend. But the feelings of excitement are more desirable than fear.

Use empowering language

As well as finding ways to think of how you could perceive fear as excitement, start speaking it out loud.

Literally, tell yourself that you feel excited about what you’re doing. Your body will respond.

I can’t emphasize the importance of inner chatter and external self-talk for achieving the things that you want.

The same applies to body language also.


Now you know a secret hack to overcome fear; it will help you break through your comfort zone and grow.

When this can become part of your life, it will help you to achieve more extraordinary things through the persistence of overcoming your fears.

Beyond your comfort zone is where all the desirable things are waiting for you.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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