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How To Reclaim Your Personal Power

photograph of me in my personal power smiling

Have you ever experienced a moment in your life where you felt like you’d lost yourself? The person that you’ve known your entire life seems to have disappeared. Maybe that’s why you’re here right now.

It may even feel like you’re not in control of your life anymore. And I know from experience, it’s an unpleasant place to be—that feeling of powerlessness. And with great reasoning, it’s not a place that anyone should have to go.

Today, I want to talk to you about how to regain your personal power.

Firstly, let’s identify personal power.

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What Is Personal Power?

Personal power is not an unhealthy concept of having control over others or being better than anyone else. It simply refers to being in the driving seat of your own life experience and taking full responsibility for your life. Personal power is about having the self-belief to live life on your terms.

We cannot always control the circumstances in life, but we still have a choice in how we respond to things.

Read: Reacting vs. Responding

Consider your personal power level to be identified based on how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. When you consciously take care of yourself in each of these areas, you naturally feel good. But to achieve this, it takes work. One way to speed up this process is to hire a life coach or personal trainer.

Developing Personal Power Takes Discipline

Based on the three aspects that we’ve briefly mentioned, we must begin to find ways to develop our personal power in each area. Generally, they are all interlinked. But let me tell you the truth. The most significant factor that will influence how you feel is your mindset.

Thoughts (Mental) = Feelings (Emotional) = Actions (Physical) = Results

A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking, over some time. When these thoughts gain emotion and momentum, they become quite powerful. Unfortunately, many of us notice negative thoughts more than the positive ones sometimes. Much of it comes from conditioning throughout our lives. Like the thousands of times, you were subconsciously told you weren’t good enough when not achieving certain things, being dumped by a romantic partner, losing in a sport, or failing to get the desired job.

All of these experiences, combined with people’s opinions, and your negative self-talk, slowly but surely, begin to take away your self-worth. And over time, that feeling of personal power is diminished.

Bye-bye confidence, self-esteem, self-belief, happiness, and freedom!

Read: Overcome Your Lack of Confidence

To break this pattern, let’s watch out for the things that destroy it.

  • Toxic relationships
  • Constant negative conversations
  • Victim mentality
  • Caring too much about others opinions
  • Negative self-talk
  • Blaming others
  • Lack of self-care
  • Unhealthy habits
  • Lack of purpose and direction
  • People pleasing
  • Not standing up for yourself
  • Not knowing your core values
  • Having no boundaries
  • Poor communication skills

What are the most common ways that you allow your personal power to be diminished?

Gaining Your Power Back

Let’s now look at how to regain your personal power.

Firstly, start cutting out the things listed above and find the biggest personal power drainers for you.

Secondly, use the upcoming examples to add to your life to build up that inner positivity meter.

I highly recommend going through my free mindset mastery toolkit, where it has a bunch of inner-work sheets to go through that help you gain clarity, confidence, and direction in your life.

Let’s reverse engineer some of the common factors that impact our personal power, and use the opposite to create more energy.

  • Toxic relationships – A healthy relationship with yourself first
  • Constant negative conversations – Conversations with positive, like-minded people
  • Victim mentality – Acceptance and responsibility for your actions
  • Caring too much about others opinions – Finding your authenticity and being true to yourself
  • Negative self-talk – Focus on possibilities, desired outcomes, and goals
  • Blaming others – Get curious without blame
  • Lack of self-care – Prioritize your health and wellness
  • Unhealthy habits – Replace unhealthy patterns with new ones
  • Lack of purpose and direction – Go through my Mindset Mastery Toolkit and do the Ikigai exercise
  • People-pleasing – Learn to say no
  • Not standing up for yourself – Being true to yourself and don’t settle for anything less
  • Not knowing your core values – Discover your core values and start living in alignment with them
  • Having no boundaries – Set clear boundaries about what is and isn’t okay
  • Poor communication skills – Being able to communicate openly


Now you know how to regain your personal power, you can start living your best life.

It’s of vital importance that you take conscious action to make the changes you desire in life because nobody else can do it for you. The fact that you are reading this shows that you have a certain level of self-awareness, which is the first step in changing something.

Once you identify the things that are holding you back, you can begin to chip away at the pieces that will help you make a positive change. Spend some time to think deeply about the life you want to create for yourself. Dream big and visualize the life you want to live and the emotions you want to feel, like the empowered and confident person you are.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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