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5 Simple Steps to Take Control of Your Thoughts

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, scattered, and out of control? It's time to take back your power and start directing your thoughts more intentionally. Here are five simple steps to take control of your thoughts:

1. Observe Your Thoughts Without Judgment

The first step to changing your thoughts is simply becoming aware of what they are. We have thousands of thoughts every day, many of which are the same as the day before. By observing your thoughts objectively, you can start to identify patterns and areas for improvement. Be careful not to judge yourself or question the thoughts. Just let them be.

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2. Evaluate the Meaning and Impact of Your Thoughts

Now that you're more aware of your thoughts, it's time to evaluate them. Ask yourself what your thoughts mean and how they might be affecting you. Are there any recurring patterns that aren't serving you? By evaluating your thoughts, you can start to understand their influence on your actions and results.

3. Challenge Your Thoughts

Once you've identified and evaluated your thoughts, it's important to challenge them. Take a look at the thoughts you have consistently and ask yourself if they're helpful or necessary. Can you let go of any thoughts that aren't serving you? Is it possible to change your perspective on a particular thought? By challenging your thoughts, you open yourself up to new possibilities and perspectives.

4. Seek Out New Thoughts

Now that you've challenged your current thoughts, it's time to consider new ones. Look for thoughts that make you feel good and make an effort to consciously think about them. It may take some time to develop this habit, but it's worth it in the long run. By focusing on positive and empowering thoughts, you'll start to feel differently and see changes in your actions and results.

Tip: To work on this is to ask questions around the thoughts and beliefs.

For example:

Is this true? What might be another possibility? Where does this thought come from? Has this been a common theme for me in my life?

5. Take "Consistent" Action

Gaining awareness of your thoughts, evaluating and challenging them, and seeking out new ones are all important steps, but they won't bring about change on their own. It's essential to take action and start thinking those new thoughts. When you do, you'll start to feel differently and see changes in your actions and results.


If you're struggling to change your thoughts, don't worry - it's not always easy. If you need some extra support, check out a previous video on how to reset your mind and change it for the better. And don't forget to download the free belief blueprint, a useful tool for transforming your limiting beliefs and increasing your self-confidence. With these strategies in mind, you'll be well on your way to taking control of your thoughts and creating the life you want.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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