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  • Why You Need To Master Your Mindset

Why You Need To Master Your Mindset


Mindset is something that I talk about a lot because it’s essential. And today, I’m going to share why you need to master your mindset if you want to live an extraordinary life.

Why is it so important?

Mindset is the foundation for any area of your life that you want to improve.

Relationships, health, fitness, finances, business, career, social life…

If someone is looking to lose 30lbs in weight, it doesn’t take long to identify some of the barriers that are holding them back.

Nutrition and exercise are the easy parts. It’s everything that goes along with it that can be more challenging. Mindset is the starting point.

If you want some help with your health and fitness, I have some posts about that area here.

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What makes a good mindset?

Firstly, by taking responsibility and becoming self-aware to recognize where you’re at in a particular area of your life.

Secondly, it’s about removing the limiting beliefs and creating some new empowering beliefs that serve you and your higher purpose in life.

Thirdly, it’s about being able to identify what is holding you back and making a commitment to yourself to break free from the fears.

I’ll mention more about techniques shortly.

I would also highly recommend developing your mental faculties. Perception, will, imagination, memory, reason, and intuition. These can be learned about in great depth with Bob Proctor’s Magic in Your Mind program.

We unlearn what we were born with

Think back to when you were a young child. You would play for hours and use your imagination. Perhaps you had some action figures or other toys. To you, there were real, just like you and me.

Maybe you pretended to be your favorite superhero and made a cape, using old material that your parents had.

Whatever it looked like, you were using your imagination to great effect.

But then something happens.

We go to school, and we start to receive feedback in the real world about what we can and cannot do. This creates our belief system and a set of paradigms.

How do you master mindset?

Just like you can’t work out once and get in shape for life, you have to approach your mindset the same way. It takes work.

Learning to have patience and not being too hard on yourself is vital.

The key is to do something every day that improves yourself. Some areas to focus on would be:

Your limiting beliefs

A self-assessment for each area of your life

Identifying some of your biggest challenges

Reading some self-development books or listen to some podcasts

You can also get a FREE Mindset Mastery Toolkit that I have created to help you break free through some of these areas.

Add some of these things to your schedule and integrate personal development as part of your new lifestyle.


Each area of your life will improve when you begin to work on your mindset. It won’t make you invincible, but it will free you from so many limitations.

When you make this work part of your lifestyle, you can be sure that it will have lasting effects. It will allow you to perform at your optimal level and achieve all of the great things that you desire in life.

If you want to learn more about mindset coaching and what it is, you can view this post here.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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  1. i feel overwhelm with life right now i want to regain control.
    how to control my emotions on sub con level.i have made a mistakethat hss me overwhelm

    1. Hello Harriet.

      Firstly, my apologies for such a delay with this response.

      How are you doing now? I hope things have somewhat improved for you ?

      The key to changing things on a subconscious level is to allow yourself to get into a relaxed state and disconnect from all of the noise. You can use affirmations or subliminal messages once in this state. And the state I am referring to is that brainwave state just before bed when you’re feeling sleepy. This is the doorway to the subconscious mind. How you impress new programs on the subconscious is to feel how you want to feel. A thought that has a strong emotion attached to it will get into the subconscious. It takes a little practice and patience.

      Here are some videos that I think will help you.

      10 Simple Ways to Regain Control of Your Life

      How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

      How to Make Your Own Audio Affirmations (Tutorial)

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