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5 Life-Changing Benefits of Self-Confidence


Confidence is something that all of us wish to have more of in life. There may be specific areas where you notice it more than others, but without doubt, when attained - it will improve the quality of your life. That’s why we’re digging into 5 life-changing benefits of self-confidence.

Why self-confidence is important

Self-confidence is something that you feel inside of yourself. But it’s also something that others pick up on. That’s because like everything, it’s energy.

Self-confidence is important because it impacts every single area of your life - Your health, relationships, income, business, career, social life, personal performance, sport, and your overall well-being. 

Read: 10 Habits That Destroy Your Confidence

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Now it’s time to address some of the key benefits of self-confidence.

1. Your ability to earn more money

Without a doubt, your ability to earn more money significantly increases when your confidence does.

Whether it’s growing your own business, getting a job promotion, finding new opportunities, or having the confidence to apply for more ambitious jobs, it all matters.

2. Your relationships or dating life

Several years ago when I first started working out, my confidence increased. And I noticed that this helped me massively when it came to dating.

Confidence is attractive. When you can find ways to elevate your inner game, feel good about yourself, and show the world who you are, everything changes.

This also goes for friendships, professional relationships, as well as romantic relationships.

When confidence improves, you realise it isn’t about another person. It’s all an internal game of how you see and feel about yourself. That’s the key.

3. Improvement of overall life

We can share specific areas of life as much as we want, but it will improve every aspect of your life.

You’ll want to do more, be more, and experience more. Opportunities will become clearer. When you don’t feel confident, your posture is different. You walk around with your head down and often unaware of the abundance that is all around you.

You’ll be less likely to socialise and to experience new things when your confidence is shot.

4. Live a fuller life

Confidence will encourage you to take more risks, say yes to more things, and experience more in life.

You’ll be seeking more of the positive aspects of life and feel a deep sense of gratitude.

So many people are stuck in their heads worrying about what others think or concerned with what may go wrong. But when you can remove that emotional baggage, the weight becomes lifted from your shoulders. Now you can enjoy more of life.

5. You’ll be happier

Self-confident people are happier. That’s because so much of the external noise is not part of the problem. It frees you up mentally and emotionally to just be who you are.

Ed Mylett says that you “build self-confidence by keeping the promises that you make to yourself.”

5 Life-Changing Benefits of Self-Confidence

If self-confidence is something that you struggle with, know that you’re not alone. And know that it is something that can be changed.

I personally transformed my confidence and entire life through transforming my mind, body, and lifestyle. It involved a lot of inner work and guidance along the way, but it was so worth it.

If you’re looking to regain some new confidence, have a lifestyle reset, or would like to shake things up, I have a solution for you.

Book a complimentary call with a mindset coach.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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