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Does your past dictate your future? (The Truth)

Your past doesn’t dictate your future if you don’t want it to. This is probably the most powerful message and belief that I suggest people should consider.

That’s because this shift in perspective has transformed my entire life and it can do the same for you.

People often get stuck in their stories and relive memories from the past. But this just creates an absurd amount of unnecessary stress that keeps you bound to your current reality. How can you possibly move forward to a positive future with this belief?

You can change your limiting beliefs by downloading your free belief blueprint.

The path to a new life

If you think back to childhood, I bet there were many things that you were scared to do and didn’t think was possible. But now look at you.

Failing is part of the essential process if you want to achieve any form of success. Many of the most inspirational transformations and stories are about people who came from humble beginnings, yet managed to create an incredible new life.

To create a new future, you must begin to believe it is possible.

Having worked with many clients from all around the world, one of the common challenges that I see relates to self-image and identity. The people who see, feel, and believe in what they are doing nearly always achieve incredible results.

I would recommend reading Maxwell Maltz’s book, Pyscho-Cybernetics if you’re interested in learning more about self-image and mental visualization exercises.

Create a new you

Start to shift your attention to the things you want instead of what you don’t want. Begin to become the person you want to become to achieve your desired goals.

Read: How to Achieve Big Goals

The easiest way to begin this is by visualizing before bed each night. Think about who you want to be tomorrow. Once you do this consistently, your clarity will increase and ultimately, allow you to see the results in your life.

Don’t keep putting things off until a later date. The time is now. Do what you must do at this moment and begin to see the impact it will have on your life. We all know that those tasks we keep putting off are just a form of procrastination.

Your past doesn’t dictate your future

I know it isn’t easy when you feel stuck in a certain headspace and when things in life don’t feel easy. But I promise you, if you can spend some time getting beyond that and shift your attention to what feels good, things will change.

If you’d like some help in your life, now could be the perfect time to work with a coach. I currently have just a couple of slots available where you can book a complimentary discovery call. When you’re ready to move forward in your life, let’s chat.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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