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How to write your own affirmations

How to write affirmations for yourself

If you want to discover the powerful benefits behind affirmations and learn how to write your own ones, this video is for you.

Understanding how to do this will give you a huge advantage when it comes to achieving your goals and manifesting the things that you genuinely want.

It’s really a process of shifting the internal state and influencing the subconscious mind with affirmations.

Before we move on, I just want to let you know that I have a completely free download for you to give you a list of affirmation prompts to get started, I’ll link to it below.

To write successful affirmations, 3 key pieces will come into play.

Watch video version:

How to format your affirmations


Think of the theme as a particular area of life or a specific part/trait of yourself that you’re trying to improve.

For example:

You could focus your affirmations around any of the following life areas.

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Business/Career
  • Relationships
  • Purpose
  • Personal Growth
  • Social

You then might want to dive into a specific category to go deeper into your theme.

For example, let's dive into the personal growth category.

You may want to improve specific parts of yourself such as:

  • Self-Confidence
  • Self-Worth
  • Self-Love
  • Anxiety Reduction
  • Self-Discipline
  • A Growth Mindset

It’s fine to focus on multiple areas if that’s what you want, but it’s also nice sometimes to hone in on the biggest thing you want to shift.

Hint: Most of these are interlinked and will affect each other. For instance, fitness, working out, and building muscle helped me to improve my self-confidence.


Once you’ve identified your theme, we must talk about language.

Affirmations work best when they are in the present tense and use empowering language.

The mind understands here and now.

Saying “I am going to become confident in myself and achieve my goals….” is future-based.

And according to your mind, it’s not important right now. It will always be sometime in the future.

It must be present.

“I am a confident person who consistently achieves my goals.”

You might say, “Well, what if that’s not true, Paul? I don’t believe it because it’s not true.”

You don’t need to believe it right now, but you should believe it is possible.

If you repeat it enough times, you’ll believe it.

If you look for proof and evidence in your surroundings, you’ll find it.

And if you act in that way enough times, you’ll become it.

Aristotle famously said ” We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.”


When it comes to affirmations, relevance is important.

It helps to have clarity on:

  • What’s important to you and what you want (Goals/Desires/Values)
  • What’s in the way (Limiting Beliefs)
  • What will help you change that internally (New Beliefs/Affirmations)

With this information, you can create your affirmations.

I’ve created many videos in the past to help with this, I also have some worksheets that you can download to help you get started. I’ll link them below.

Lastly on the relevance piece. There needs to be meaning behind the affirmations.

Don’t write affirmations for the sake of it or just find some random ones.

How to actually write the affirmations

First, let me give you some more examples.

I am intelligent and capable, and I confidently pursue challenging goals. 

I am acquiring the skills necessary to achieve my dreams and aspirations.

I am transforming my weaknesses into strengths through continuous improvement.

So, using ‘I AM’ is a good start.

Then, consider who you are being/becoming/acting/feeling/seeing (Internal) (Be, Do, Have)

To have/achieve/experience what you’re trying to affirm.

E.g. I am becoming more self-disciplined every day and I can feel my self-confidence continuously improving.


Is it better to write or speak affirmations?

The process of doing both works. But it also depends on your preference and style of learning. I recommend writing, speaking, and recording affirmations using your own voice.

Does writing affirmations really work?

Yes and no. Affirmations are an incredibly powerful tool when used correctly. If you use them to get clarity and attention on what you want, you shift your energy, and tap into the feeling of the wish fulfilled, they will work. However, if you're casually doing them now and again hoping your life will change, you likely won't see the benefits.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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