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How to Change Your Mindset to Get Anything You Want

Staring off into the distance

You’re at a place in your life where you truly want lasting change but you’re not really sure how to change your mindset to get the results you want.

Oftentimes, you think deeply about your life. The things you have and the things you don’t have.

You wish, hope, and think there is more to life.

And there is…

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But, through habit and subconscious conditioning of your mind, you tend to focus on things with a negative filter. It may well have always been this way for you. Or maybe you conditioned yourself to get this way.

Either way, you are a product of your environment.

And to change your life, you must change your mindset. This is also commonly known as developing a growth mindset.

What’s important is knowing that you can change those patterns. When you make some big mindset shifts, your entire life will begin to change as you could never have imagined.

First, let’s examine the popular word ‘mindset’

Read: Kick-start Your Dream Life by Doing These 5 Things

What is your mindset?

Mindset is your internal world. It is your way of thinking and how you see the world. It is where your physical world is first created. Yes, everything that you see in your real world was once a thought in your mind.

The car you drive, the TV you watch, and the clothes you wear – they were all once an idea in someone’s mind. It’s the same thing for your life. We create our world in our minds first. That is why it’s one of the most important things you’ll ever hear. If you want to know how to change your mindset, you must become conscious of your thoughts, beliefs, and habits.

Be careful what you think, it might definitely will come into your life

We have thousands of thoughts come into our heads every day. Many of them are the same thoughts. When we choose to focus on specific thoughts and attach a meaning or story to them, they begin to gain some power and momentum.

We must make a conscious effort to shift our focus onto thoughts that make us feel good. With repetition, they will begin to have a positive impact on our lives.

One of the cool things is that you can begin to feed your mind knowledge from books, and courses. This will start to shift your focus and understanding of certain things. You can also consider working with a mindset coach or a life coach to help you accelerate your results.

how to change your mindset. Man and woman deep in thought

Those annoying ones that hang around

Our beliefs are essentially thoughts that have been repeated a number of times to the point that we believe it. Beliefs are extremely powerful and they have a lot of control over our lives. It is therefore essential that we take a look at our lives in detail.

Read: Why Your Limiting Beliefs Are Holding You Back in Life

What are you currently believing to be true that isn’t serving you?

What belief’s do you have that are holding you back from taking action in your life?

Some of the worst beliefs to have are limiting beliefs. For example, how successful do you think a person would be at finding a romantic partner if they believed that they weren’t worthy, that they weren’t good enough, or that they weren’t capable? They wouldn’t. But the sad part is, many people are living life with crippling fears and limiting beliefs that literally ruin their life.

Decide right now that you are going to make a conscious effort to change them. Write a list of positive affirmations. Cross out every negative belief you have that isn’t serving you and replace them with more empowering ones.

A great quote from James Allen on this is:

“Mind is the Master Power that molds and makes, And we are mind. And ever more we take the tool of thought and shaping what we will, bring forth a thousand joys or a thousand ills. We think in secret and it comes to pass, environment, is but our looking glass.”

James Allen

What program are you operating on?

Your habits are what control you. You can create good habits and bad habits. That is the repetition of something. If you are in the habit of always looking for the bad in people then you’ll continue to focus on looking for those things.

It’s a matter of increasing your awareness and beginning to make the small changes daily that help to create a lasting change.

Focus on working with a new set of beliefs and repeat them daily until you start to believe them to be true.

What’s real is what’s imagined

In your brain, there is a part called the reticular activating system (RAS). This acts as a filter to things that are around us in life. It filters out the least important things and lets in the most important things. What is most important is decided based on what we focus our attention on.

We become what we think about.

So, the more we shift our mindset to focus on positive things, the better our lives will become. This isn’t some “woo woo” positive thinking BS. It’s about training yourself to look for the things you want rather than what you don’t want.

By doing so, your brain will actually start working to help you achieve the things you want in your life. This is also why visualization is such a powerful thing to practice.


To change your mindset, you must begin to change your thoughts and beliefs.

You can speed this process up by studying and feeding your mind positive information from a variety of sources.

Once you begin to do this, you will start to notice your beliefs changing and it feels awesome!

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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