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Overcoming Fear: Crush Your Inner Demons To Live With More Peace And Freedom


Overcoming Fear: Crush Your Inner Demons To Live With More Peace And Freedom

Overcoming fear is something that all of us experience in our lives in order to see some kind of progress or success. But fear has the ability to cripple us, to make us remain stuck as we are, and to prevent us from growing as a person.

Doesn’t sound too fun right?

Wouldn’t it be nice to finally beat those daily demons and live with greater peace and freedom?

Let’s take a deeper look…

What Is Fear?

Fear is that feeling of scarcity around the unknown. It is always about something that hasn’t actually happened yet, and may never happen.

When a particular outcome or future event is unknown, it creates this uncomfortable feeling within us. It’s being scared of losing something that is important to us.

Our beliefs around certain things can influence our fears on them.

Read:  Why Your Limiting Beliefs Are Holding You Back In Life

Fear is the negative voices in your head stopping you from doing what you want or need to do.

And oftentimes, the things that we fear the most are usually the things that we most need to do.

It is capable of making us live an extremely unfulfilled and mediocre life if we let it…

So let’s not!

Common Types Of Fears

So we’ve mentioned that fear is that uncomfortable feeling, negative thoughts of the unknown, and a concern about what might happen in a future event.

Let’s look at some very common and relatable fears to better understand:

  • Fear of rejection – Think dating. Most of us at some point in our life have experienced a fear of rejection from another person. People often get so caught up in their heads that they never ask that person out because they don’t want to be rejected. This leads us nicely onto the next one.
  • Fear of not being enough – When we fear rejection from others, it tells us that we don’t think too highly of ourselves and that another person’s impression of you is more powerful than yours, which is not true!
  • Fear of failure – How many opportunities have disappeared, chances never taken, and dreams never fulfilled, because of crippling fear? Failure is a sign that you are growing and challenging yourself. It’s a sign that you are truly living life as it should be lived.
  • Fear Of Success – Surprisingly enough, fear of success is also very common.  Success brings with it a whole new bunch of attention, change, and possibly in the spotlight for haters and receiving negativity.

The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.

Les Brown
  • Fear of being emotionally hurt – Love is one of the greatest gifts in life, to give and receive. But to love is to risk being hurt. And this often stops people from opening up and taking a chance on things. Past pain and trauma can threaten to open old wounds in a place of vulnerability. But that is what makes us human. We wouldn’t experience all the joys of life if we didn’t know heartache.
  • Fear of change – We like things to remain as they are because there’s a certain feeling of comfort in familiarity. Even if we have poor relationships, oftentimes people will remain in them because of the comfort of its familiarity. The same applies for jobs and where someone lives. Change scares people.
  • Fear of life-threatening activities – Flying, heights, Skydiving, Cliff jumping, cage diving with great white sharks… All these types of fears arise because we feel a threat to our safety and survival. They feel unnatural and new to us, so we have a difficult time trying to process it, and usually fear the worst.

There are many other types of fears and phobias, but these are the most common ones that can have a huge impact on your peace and happiness.

So What Is The Purpose Of Fear?

From a completely animalistic point of view, fear is there to protect us. We have fight or flight hormones that are released in a moment of danger, with the sole purpose of making sure we do not die.

We also build a belief system around fear based on our experiences. For example, if we know that a car traveling at high speeds has the ability to kill a human, naturally our awareness now teaches us to be cautious around traffic, as it is a real danger to us.

This is a good thing, for certain fear…

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

Because we know fear is important for our survival, it is worth mentioning that we are designed to survive – not to do cool shit, and achieve wonderful goals.

But we have evolved so much since the days or pure survival – so let’s do cool shit and achieve wonderful goals.

To do so, we must look inside ourselves and review our beliefs and fears!

Look Inside Yourself

what do you fear

Most of them are based on our belief system and around the opinion that we have of ourselves.

Be honest with yourself and write them down.

There are always going to be obstacles in the way of the things we desire in life.

How would you feel at the end of your life if you knew you didn’t take action just because of fear?

Find out:  The Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying

I’m guessing the answer would be a strong no.

Overcoming fear will create so much more joy and happiness for you.

Action is the key to overcoming fear

The truth is that fear is just a mental barrier that we need to overcome within ourselves to live a life that is incredibly fulfilling.

Most of what stops us are nonsense thoughts from our own head. If we keep thinking those thoughts it will cement them even stronger and make that transition of smashing through fear even harder.

To really overcome our fears, we simply must take action on those fears.

Action will show you that it wasn’t as bad as you made it in your head. We then gain confidence and momentum which feels amazing as we grow into a better person by facing more of our fears.

If you are in a situation where you feel scared to step forward towards what you want in life, believe me, you should be more scared of the life you’ll live by not taking action.

Failing is part of your success journey.

It’s better to fail than to never try because failure teaches us a lesson that will help us succeed next time.

Write down a list of your biggest fears. Then write down the worst possible thing that could happen if you were to take action on those fears.


It is normal to experience fear.

But you have the choice to take action on those fears and overcome them instantly.

When you begin to take action on those things that really hold you back, your life will transform and you’ll keep moving forward even faster.

So if you have a gut feeling about something, listen to your inner guidance, and that is 100% what you need to do.

Trust in your gut feeling and take massive action towards your goals. Never let fear waste another day of your life by holding you back from the path of growth and success.

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.  And if you found it useful, please share.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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