Your Online Weight Loss Coach

demonstration of client and weight loss coach.

If you’re looking for your very own online weight loss coach, you’ve come to the right place.

As a certified personal trainer and ICF life coach, I work with clients to help them achieve their health and fitness goals. But it goes beyond that…

To be happy and healthy, it’s not just a physical thing. My approach is to help you with where you’re currently at and guide you through the process of getting to where you’d truly like to be.

Are you ready to achieve lasting results?

Schedule a complimentary call to see how we can help you.

Personal training and coaching testimonials

Intra Lifestyle Online weight loss coach benefits

  • Personal coaching at a fraction of the cost
  • Flexibility with workout times (you get to go to the gym whenever is convenient for you)
  • Coaching from the comfort of your own home
  • Access to a members area and app
  • Accountability to your goals
  • Nutrition guidance and coaching
  • Additional support and added bonuses as an Intra Lifestyle client
  • New workouts sent to your account with videos and descriptions
  • Progress and tracking in your account to stay on point with progression
  • Achieve the results that you want

What is a weight loss coach?

A weight loss coach is someone who has the skillset and expertise to help you safely lose unwanted body weight (usually body fat).

It can be from a variety of niches and backgrounds such as:

  • Personal trainer
  • Health coach
  • Nutrition coach
  • Wellness coach
  • Holistic coach
  • Life coach

Some coaches specialize in weight loss. However, it is fairly common for many professionals in the health and fitness industry to be able to help you with weight loss to some degree.

As a certified Precision Nutrition coach, I have a lot of experience with weight loss and helping to educate clients on achieving the goals that they desire.

You can get personal coaching from me by signing up for a 7-day free trial of my online coaching program.

Can a life coach help you lose weight?

A life coach who is also trained in some form of nutrition education can definitely help you lose weight.

One of the reasons I decided to become a certified life coach was because I discovered how important other aspects of coaching are when it comes to helping clients with their health and fitness goals.

Read: What is a Mindset Coach?

Many results in health and fitness come from having a solid foundation put in place. This comes from all aspects of life. If you aren’t seeing results with weight loss, it could be because other areas of your life are causing unwanted emotions and are influencing your decisions that will impact your results.

That is why I like to go beyond just weight loss coaching or general personal training. I believe that lasting results come from having an understanding of a person as a whole. If you want a full experience of coaching for any area of life, you can book a free coaching call with me so that I can help you gain some clarity and discuss how to move forward.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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