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10 Habits That Destroy Your Confidence

habits that destroy your confidence

An essential component of our lives is confidence. It empowers us to face challenges head-on, overcome obstacles, and express ourselves freely. Unfortunately, many individuals unknowingly engage in behaviours that undermine their confidence, leaving them to experience feelings of defeat, insecurity, and lack of motivation. In this article, we'll examine ten habits that are particularly bad for your self-esteem and provide helpful tips for quitting them.

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1. Comparing Yourself to Others

It's human nature to compare ourselves to others, but doing so can also be a big source of stress and insecurity. It's simple to feel like we're falling short when we constantly compare ourselves to others, especially when we're inundated with social media's portrayals of perfection. Feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence may result from this. Comparing ourselves to others creates an unfair comparison, which is a problem. Everyone has particular strengths and weaknesses, so it's critical to accept and celebrate our individuality. We miss out on the special traits and skills that make us unique and valuable by concentrating on what others have that we lack.

It's also important to keep in mind that social media often fails to show the true reality of people's lives. People tend to highlight only the positive aspects of their lives while omitting the difficulties and difficulties they encounter. Because of this, we might feel like we're not doing enough when, in fact, everyone is battling their battles.

the increased use of social media, reflecting how we compare ourselves to others

How to stop comparing yourself to others

So, how do we overcome the tendency to compare ourselves to others? Focusing on our own journey and achievements is a useful tactic. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things; instead, embrace your distinctive qualities and strengths. People who will inspire you to be your best self should be in your immediate vicinity. Participating in activities that make you happy and fulfilled is another smart move. Participating in activities that we are passionate about, whether it be playing a sport, taking a class, or volunteering can make us feel more secure and confident.

Finally, it's critical to treat ourselves with kindness and compassion. Recognize your accomplishments and progress, and try not to be too hard on yourself when things don't go according to plan. Keep in mind that everyone makes mistakes; it's how we develop and learn. We can build a solid foundation of confidence and gain control of our lives by kicking the habit of comparing ourselves to others.

2. Overthinking

Overanalyzing is a bad habit that can damage your self-esteem and confidence. It can be characterized as having frequent and drawn-out thoughts about the past or the future. This kind of thinking frequently produces feelings of unease, worry, and self-doubt. Overthinking can harm your confidence, but there are a few easy steps you can take to lessen this effect.

How to stop overthinking

Being in the present moment is one of the most effective ways to lessen overthinking. It's simple to become paralyzed by worries about what might go wrong when you place too much emphasis on the past or the future. You can cut down on the amount of time you spend overthinking by being present and concentrating on the things you can control right now.

Read: 5 Simple Steps to Take Control of Your Thoughts

Challenging your negative thoughts is an additional crucial step to take. When you notice that you tend to overthink things, try to pinpoint the specific ideas that are making you feel nervous or insecure. Next, challenge the validity of these thoughts by challenging them. Do these thoughts have any supporting evidence or are they just irrational fears? You can begin to break the habit of overthinking and regain your confidence by doing this.

It's crucial to take part in activities that relax you and make you feel more self-assured. This might entail engaging in physical activity, practising mindfulness, or spending time with close friends and family. It's simpler to break the cycle of overthinking and lessen the effect it has on your confidence when you put your attention on things that make you feel good.

Last but not least, getting support from loved ones or a mental health professional can help lessen the negative effects of overthinking on your self-confidence. You can gain perspective and discover new strategies for controlling your overthinking behaviour by talking to someone about your thoughts and feelings.

3. Allowing Negative Thoughts and Emotions to Take Control

Our confidence and sense of self-worth can be significantly impacted by negative thoughts and feelings. It can be challenging to see the positive aspects of life when we let negative thoughts and emotions rule, and we might feel overburdened, anxious, and defeated.

To build and maintain confidence, it's important to identify and challenge negative thoughts and emotions. This can involve practicing mindfulness, learning to reframe negative thoughts, and engaging in self-care activities that promote well-being.

How to overcome negative thought patterns

Asking yourself if your negative thoughts are grounded in reality is a powerful strategy for combating them. Are you making assumptions, generalizing too broadly, or emphasizing the negative? If so, try to change your perspective and concentrate on the good things about the circumstance.

Maintaining your physical and emotional health is equally as important as combating negative thoughts. This may entail following a healthy diet, working out frequently, getting enough rest, and taking part in activities that make you happy and fulfilled.

By exercising self-control over your thoughts and feelings, you can develop resilience as well as a solid sense of self-worth. You'll be better prepared to overcome obstacles in life and appreciate their positive aspects.

4. Failing to Set and Pursue Goals

The inability to set and pursue goals is another behaviour that can hurt your confidence. Without specific, attainable goals, it can be challenging to stay motivated and focused, and you might feel as though your life is just a series of routine activities.

Taking charge of your life and gaining confidence begins with setting goals. You're more likely to feel inspired and motivated when you have a clear direction and purpose, and you'll feel more accomplished when you reach your objectives.

How to set goals

Make your goals specific, measurable, achievable, pertinent, and time-bound when you're setting them (SMART). This means that you should have well-defined goals and specific actions you can take to reach them.

Setting goals is essential, but so is pursuing them tenaciously and persistently. This may entail making sacrifices, putting in a lot of effort, and dealing with obstacles, but the benefits of accomplishing your goals will make the effort worthwhile.

You'll develop self-confidence and self-esteem as well as a sense of purpose and direction in life by setting and achieving goals. You'll be more likely to realize your goals and dreams because you'll have a clear road map for success.

5. Not Taking Responsibility for Your Actions

Not accepting responsibility for your actions is one of the habits that can undermine your confidence. When we refuse to accept responsibility for our errors, we not only deny ourselves the chance to improve, but we also foster an atmosphere of negativity and blame.

Even though accepting responsibility for our actions can be difficult and humiliating, it's crucial for boosting confidence and self-worth. We show ourselves and others that we have the maturity and courage to own up to our actions by admitting our mistakes and taking action to make them right.

Taking responsibility for your actions

Examining your behaviour for areas for improvement is one way to start accepting responsibility for your deeds. What could I have done differently in this circumstance, for example? or "How did I contribute to this result?" You can improve your understanding of how your actions affect other people and the environment by taking a closer look at your behaviour.

Making amends when necessary and apologizing for your actions is another crucial step in accepting responsibility for your actions. This may entail owning up to your error, expressing regret, and taking corrective action. Making amends demonstrates your resolve to do better and fosters interpersonal trust.

Finally, it's important to learn from your errors and avoid reiterating bad habits. Make the most of your experiences to learn and advance, and don't be afraid to ask for assistance or support if you require it.

You'll establish a solid base of confidence and self-esteem and show others that you're a trustworthy and responsible person by accepting responsibility for your actions.

6. Neglecting Self-Care

Your confidence may suffer if you neglect your needs. Your energy levels can decline if you don't take care of yourself, which can cause fatigue, stress, and even anxiety. Combining these unfavourable feelings can make you feel less confident, which will make you less inclined to engage in self-care activities. It's critical to put self-care first and partake in activities that uplift you to break this cycle.

How to prioritize self-care

Exercise, mindfulness meditation, quality time with loved ones, reading, taking a warm bath, and engaging in a hobby are some excellent self-care techniques. It has been demonstrated that exercise, in particular, boosts confidence. Endorphins, which help to elevate mood and lessen stress, can be released. Additionally, mindfulness meditation can help to calm the mind, lessen anxiety, and foster a sense of calm, which can make you feel more self-assured.

Additionally, you must make sure that you are getting enough rest, eating well, and drinking enough water. These tasks may seem uncomplicated, but they are essential for preserving good physical and mental health, both of which will boost your confidence. Making self-care a priority and participating in enjoyable activities will not only make you feel renewed and refreshed but will also increase your confidence.

7. Being too hard on yourself

Being too harsh on yourself is a bad habit that can seriously damage your self-confidence. Constantly holding yourself to unattainable standards and expectations can make you feel let down and disappointed. These unfavourable feelings can build up over time and harm your confidence and self-esteem. Being a perfectionist can make you too hard on yourself. Setting high standards and aiming higher can sometimes be advantageous. However, there should be some restrictions and reasonable standards surrounding this.

How to be kinder to yourself

It's critical to keep in mind that everyone makes mistakes and that it's acceptable to occasionally fall short of your expectations. Try to be more understanding and compassionate towards yourself rather than being overly critical of yourself. Celebrate your development and acknowledge your successes, no matter how modest they may seem.

Additionally, it's crucial to focus on progress, rather than perfection. When you focus on perfection, you set yourself up for disappointment and feelings of inadequacy. However, when you focus on progress, you can see the steps you've taken toward your goals and feel proud of yourself for the work you've done.

Try to adopt a growth mindset, which is the belief that you can develop and improve your skills. With this strategy, you can see obstacles and setbacks as chances for development rather than as proof of your failure. Being kind to yourself and adopting a growth mindset will increase your self-assurance and drive to achieve your objectives.

self-reflection in the mirror

8. Lying to Yourself or Breaking Promises to Yourself

Making promises to or lying to yourself is a bad habit that can seriously undermine your self-confidence. You set expectations and goals for yourself when you make promises to yourself. Disappointment, annoyance, and feelings of shame may result from breaking these promises. These unfavourable feelings can gradually undermine your self-assurance and self-worth.

Setting goals and inspiring yourself to achieve them can both be done by making promises to yourself. When you break these promises, you're telling yourself that you can't be relied upon to keep your word. This can then result in self-doubt and a lack of confidence in yourself.

It can also be detrimental to lie to yourself about your skills, development, or behaviour. You set yourself up for failure when you tell yourself untrue things about your capabilities. You might persuade yourself that you can't wake up early and be productive if, for instance, you tell yourself that you're not a morning person. When your expectations aren't met, this can result in feelings of frustration and disappointment.

It's essential to be sincere with yourself if you want to break this habit. Make sure your promises to yourself are both attainable and realistic. Be responsible for your actions and hold yourself accountable. If you fail to keep a promise to yourself, admit it, take the lesson to heart, and move on. Additionally, avoid lying to yourself about your abilities or progress and try to be realistic about both. Being sincere with yourself will increase your self-assurance and drive to succeed.

9. Engaging in Negative Self-Talk

Your confidence and self-esteem can be seriously harmed by negative self-talk. When you talk negatively to yourself, you might be more likely to concentrate on your flaws, draw unfair comparisons to others, and have doubts about your abilities.

Becoming conscious of your negative self-talk and reframing how you see things is a worthwhile habit that can transform your entire life. Not doing so will keep you somewhat trapped in the prison of your own mind, defeating your confidence bit by bit.

You can build a more positive self-image and a stronger sense of self-worth by talking to yourself more positively and less negatively. You'll be more likely to pursue your ambitions and be better prepared to deal with life's difficulties and setbacks.

10. Allowing Fear to Control You

Building confidence and self-esteem can be significantly hampered by fear. When you're afraid, you might be more hesitant to take chances and try novel experiences, and you might find it difficult to achieve your objectives and aspirations.

Face your fears and question the limiting beliefs that are holding you back to gain confidence. This could entail venturing out of your comfort zone, seeking out novel experiences, and taking calculated risks.

It's essential to cultivate a growth mindset in addition to confronting your fears. By doing this, you'll learn to see obstacles and setbacks as chances for learning and improvement rather than as threats to your confidence and sense of worth.

You can increase your sense of self-worth and improve your self-image by facing your fears and embracing a growth mindset. You'll be more likely to pursue your interests and passions, and you'll be better prepared to deal with the difficulties and setbacks of life.


Self-esteem and confidence are crucial components of success and personal fulfilment. You can improve your sense of self-worth and self-image by avoiding habits that undermine confidence and embracing habits that foster it.

You can gain the self-assurance and self-esteem required to live a happy and successful life by setting and achieving goals, asking for help and encouragement, using encouraging self-talk, and facing your fears.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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