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  • 3 Of The Best Passive Income Opportunities

3 Of The Best Passive Income Opportunities

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Does the idea of passive income (making money whilst you sleep) excite you? Would you like to work less and make more money than you ever thought possible? Here we are going to look at 3 of the best passive income opportunities for 2019 and beyond!

If those concepts don’t resonate with you, then this post will be of no interest to you. Otherwise, you may have found the key to your treasure chest my friend.

There has been no better time in history to take the amazing opportunity to create a lifestyle full of freedom and abundance. Within a matter of just days, weeks, and months, you can be receiving automatic income direct into your bank account. I’ll say that again… In a matter of days, weeks, or months, you can be receiving automatic income direct into your bank account!

I know this because it is now happening to me right now. And I want to share it with you so that you can take action and literally change your life forever.

1. Kindle Publishing

Difficulty Level – Beginner

What is Kindle Publishing?

Kindle publishing is something that can be done in a matter of minutes. Essentially, you upload a word document that is an eBook to your Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) account, fill out the info, and hit publish. It costs nothing to do this.

You then have the option to turn your book into a paperback book using Amazon’s platform. This simply adds another revenue stream to the book. There is no specific requirement for the length of the book too. Most of mine range from 8,000 – 16,000 words.

You may be thinking but I don’t know how to write a book”. Well, the good news is, you don’t actually have to, if you don’t want to. Your job could be to find a niche, and hire a writer from a place like www.upwork.com or www.fiverr.com to write the book for you for less than $100.

If you are interested in writing a book yourself and you want to get content out very quickly, I’d recommend using something like ‘How To Write A Book In 24 Hours’.

It will save you a great deal of time if you learn from someone who has already achieved the result that you are looking for.

It really works…

As you can see from some of my results above, money comes in from multiple Amazon platforms from all countries. And the best part about all of this, is you make sales when you’re sleeping at night.

The amount of money that you can earn isn’t limited at all. There are many people out there who are making large 6 figures per year incomes from Kindle publishing alone.

So How Do You Get Started?

You’re probably wondering how you start.

Honestly, if you want to learn the right way, learn fast, and learn how to get real results, I highly recommend using this very affordable course called K Money Mastery. It is the course that I personally used and still do to continue getting results. The results you see above are because of the information that I learned in K Money Mastery and started applying it immediately.

Recommended Resources

K Money Mastery – Very affordable program that I personally used to learn how to make passive income with Kindle publishing and Paperback.

How To Write A Book In 24 Hours -A program teaching you how to create short Kindle books in less than 24 hours. Perfect if you are wanting to start making money ASAP.

Kindle Direct Publishing – Kindle Direct Publishing is Amazon’s free platform where you can sign up for a publishing account. This is the place where you can publish books and make sales to your account.

Fiverr – Fiverr is a great resource for a variety of services. And as we’re talking about Kindle publishing, you can use it to hire writers and book cover designers so that you can leverage your time more by outsourcing from other professionals.

Upwork – Upwork is an online freelance platform. This is where I personally hire my writers to write Kindle books. You can also get covers designed here, logos, websites, and a range of other services. Generally you’ll be paying more money on this website. You post a job that you want to offer and freelancers will apply for your job. You can then view samples of their work, check their ratings, and ask any other questions to ensure you find someone suitable.

Createspace – Createspace is a platform that allows you to create paperback versions of your books. This will increase your likelihood of earning more money per book.

Audio Creation Exchange (ACX) – If you want to increase your income streams even further, ACX offers audio services so that you can have an audiobook version of your eBook.

2. Amazon FBA (Physical Products)

Difficulty level – Beginner / Intermediate

What is Amazon FBA?

Have you ever bought something off Amazon but noticed that the seller wasn’t Amazon themselves? That’s because, like Kindle, Amazon offers us to create accounts as sellers and to sell our own products.

These products can be obtained in bulk from manufacturing companies in China for example. You can then create a product name and have branding done, or you can just leave it plain and simple.

Let’s say you wanted to sell camera accessories, for example, tripods. You could locate a manufacturer that creates the product for you at a lower price. The product then gets shipped to an Amazon warehouse where Amazon sells it for you at whatever cost you want to sell it for.

There are obviously more steps involved than that, such as marketing the product, getting its packaging and any designs finalized.

You can literally make thousands of dollars per month, and some people are even making 6 figures per month. It’s insane!

Fortunately, there are some awesome courses available to show you step-by-step how to get the desired result. As well as some free resources which will be essential for you to get started.

Recommended Resources

Amazon Seller Central – This is the place to visit when you want to set up your free account for selling on Amazon.

Alibaba – This is a popular resource for finding suppliers and manufacturers so that you can private label your products.

Amazing Selling Machine – Amazing Selling Machine is a complete course which takes you from no idea to a fully working business that is making you money. This is one of the best-rated courses out there if you’re looking for a complete walk-through for starting your Amazon business. It is a little more on the higher-priced side, but the ROI can be tenfold.

Side note: This course is only available a few times each year for a limited time frame. 

Marketplace Superheroes – Marketplace superheroes are another alternative to Amazing Selling Machine. There are also different options here if you want to get additional coaching.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Difficulty level – Intermediate

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Think of affiliate marketing as being paid a commission for telling others about a product or service that you believe in. Many companies will actually pay you money for referring a new customer to them. In fact, you can even do this on Amazon.

Let’s say you are really passionate about photography and maybe you have a blog with your photos, tips, and any other related info. You could list the equipment that you use with a custom affiliate link, and people who decide to buy the product based on your recommendation will actually trigger a commission to you from the company.

One of the best ways to do this is to pick a platform where you can be reached by an audience. This could be a blog, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook groups, etc…

Many people are in the affiliate marketing industry by simply doing product reviews for things that they have bought and are popular. This is one method, but you can also incorporate it into whatever you do already and share things that you genuinely like or have helped you.

Think of a time when you’ve discovered something awesome and you just want to share it with your friends and tell them about it. It’s the exact same principle, except you can get a commission in doing so.

Recommended Resources

Affiliate Marketing Mastery – This is the course that I signed up for when I wanted to learn how to begin with affiliate marketing. Stefan, the creator of AMM does an amazing job at teaching you pretty much everything from setting up a website, to social media pages, and even places and products to find to promote. If you’re serious about this then I highly recommend this course. Even if you just wanted to know how to build a website with little knowledge, and get all of your social media pages set up for your business. 

Amazon Associates -This is where you can sign up for a free affiliate account with Amazon. You can actually make commissions on Amazon’s own products by having a unique link ID.

Clickbank – A platform where you can sign up as an affiliate and promote people’s products from a wide range of niches including health and fitness, photography, gardening, and psychology. You can find things very specific to your niche.

JVZoo – This is another platform similar to Clickbank. It is also a popular platform to use in the affiliate marketing world.

WordPress – WordPress is a platform used to edit your website. There are 2 different WordPress options. I would suggest using www.wordpress.org if you are looking to have your own domain, and thinking longer term.

Bluehost  Bluehost is a website hosting company. If you decide you want to have your own website or blog then Bluehost will be a great place to get you set up at very affordable prices. This is basically where all your website content is stored and hosted.

ThemeForest – This is a place where you can get a theme for your website, which is what gives it a specific style based on what you’re looking for. Some themes are free, and some cost a fee but are usually more advanced and of higher quality.

Leadpages – If you are looking to create quick, simple, and high-impact landing pages, then Leadpages is a very popular choice. You can even use this as a standalone if you didn’t have a website. 

What Next?

If you are wanting to live life with more freedom or simply earn a little extra income to support your lifestyle, then I would highly recommend beginning with one of these. It’s important to understand what you are looking to create because it’s going to help keep you on track.

Read:6 Tips To Master The Freedom Lifestyle

personally, I started with K Money Mastery and began making money fairly quickly. The proof that it worked encouraged me and helped me to stay motivated.

Key Takeaways

  1. Think about the lifestyle you’d like to create and why having an extra income would help you
  2. Decide which option sounds best for you and look into the recommended programs which take you through the courses from scratch
  3. If you have the time and dedication, you may be able to start more than one at once

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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