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  • Types of Goal Setting That Only the Top 3% Understand

Types of Goal Setting That Only the Top 3% Understand

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Why is it that so many of us can set goals so effortlessly, but more often than not, they don’t actually get achieved? What is it that stops some of us from succeeding while others are big goal achievers? There are many factors that come into play in achieving things that you desire in life. The top few percent understand that there are different types of goal setting.

We’ll get into that shortly.

They understand clearly what they want and have a big awareness of where they currently are. It doesn’t necessarily mean they know how to get there just yet, but they do know there is a gap between the present and future.

There is always a gap, but with high achievers, they know it can and will be closed until it is achieved!

Why bother setting goals in the first place?

Great question! Without a goal, it’s impossible to succeed because we don’t really know what we’re aiming for.

Imagine you take a trip with some friends in your car but have no idea of where you’re going or what you’re doing. You would just begin to drive around aimlessly. Sure, it may be fun for a while in the state of spontaneity. But sooner or later you’d get bored, frustrated, and probably feel somewhat lost. There is no destination or goal!

Having that same approach to things in your life will create similar feelings. Life would feel as if there is no direction or that you don’t have a sense of purpose. That sounds terrible, right? So, wouldn’t it make sense to be able to fully understand and master the different types of goal setting?

The whole purpose of setting a goal is to stretch yourself and grow. It’s not always about the end shiny object, but more about the process and who you become in doing it. As Tony Robbins always says “progress equals happiness”.

Is procrastination holding you back from achieving your goals? Read: 10 Steps To Beat Procrastination.

The 3 Types Of Goal Setting

A mentor of mine, Bob Proctor, taught me this invaluable lesson a few years ago. It has helped me tremendously in my own life, and I’ve since used it to help many of my clients in their goal setting process. I’d love for it to be able to help you too.

I just want to mention that each of the following types of goal setting levels have their place and just because one of them is spoken of very highly, it doesn’t mean the others are pointless. There is room for each level in our life. In fact, you will most likely use type A goals on a daily basis. The point is to give you an awareness around the other types of goals.

Let’s dig in…

Level 1 or Type A Goals

Type A goals are what you already know how to do. They can be achieved relatively easily because you have already obtained them previously. They don’t require a great deal of stretching for you. But the problem with only having type A goals is that they never excite you. It’s not what you really want in life. You aren’t going to feel like you’ve benefited a huge amount by achieving them, and the reward will often seem not so exciting to you.

An example of this could be that you want to buy a new car as yours may be getting a little old now. A type A goal would be to focus on getting a slightly newer version or model of your current car, or even something of similar value. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to get the same car if it’s what you truly want. But the process of achieving something that you already know how to do labels it a type A goal.

Level 2 or Type B Goals

Type B goals are a little more appealing to you. But I’d still question if they are what you really want… Type B goals are in line with things falling into place for you based on your current circumstances. They are goals that you think you can achieve, as long as all the stars align. You’re aware of your finances, how much something costs, what it’s worth, and how you could figure out safely being able to achieve this goal. But if you were completely honest with yourself, it’s a goal that you just believe you are able to achieve at this moment in your life, but not what you really want.

These goals don’t necessarily have to be financial. It applies to any area of life; careers, relationships, fitness.

It will be extremely hard to feel inspired to achieve this type of goal because it doesn’t trigger your deepest desires. (Remember this for in a moment)

Level 3 or Type C Goals

The best way to describe a type C goal is to call it the fantasy goal. It’s usually what most people would laugh at you for and say “be more realistic”. (side note – Try to spend less time with those people).

Type C goals require a tremendous amount of desire and self-belief to achieve them, but these goals are very possible and willhappen if you are committed. Things that you visualize and say “I would love to have that” or “It would be incredible if I got to do that”. Think about the language you use when you talk about things that you love compared to things of less importance. You’ll soon realize what those desires are.

If you think back in history to many of the world’s greatest accomplishments, the people behind those ideas were thinking of C type goals. They would have been ridiculed by many because of the sheer size of their ambitions. But did it stop them? Nope!

The Wright brothers who invented and built the first successful flying airplane, Thomas Edison created the first working lightbulb, and Roger Banninster became the first man to run a sub-4-minute mile. These are just a few examples of people who had a dream that was disregarded by many people until one day their goals became reality.

“The dreamers are the saviors of the world.”

James Allen

The key is emotion

Emotion is what causes us to take action on our goals. Without the emotion, the goal becomes meaningless to us.

If a person has a goal to lose 30lbs but finds enough enjoyment in being lazy, eating Cheetos on the couch, and watching Americas Next Top Model, what are the chances of that success? Most likely, not very high…

However, if we change the perspective and ask the right questions about the weight loss goal, then we may have a different outcome.

What if we got the person to think about how their life would be if they continued living that lifestyle for the next 5,10, or 20 years.

How would their health deteriorate in that time? What would that do to their relationships with loved ones? Or; how would their life be different every day if they achieved their goal? How would they feel? What would be different?

When we can elicit an emotional response, the goal gains strength and gives meaning to us. At that moment, we can begin to take the necessary steps towards its attainment.

Key Takeaways

  1. The top 3% of the population understands the different levels of goals and successfully achieve C type goals.
  2. Goals are important because they give us a destination and sense of direction.
  3. Becoming emotionally involved with your goals will rapidly increase the likelihood of their achievement.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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