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Getting Back on Track (My Top 5 Tips)

getting back on track - my top 5 tips

Getting back on track with life

Getting back on track is the topic of discussion today. But before we begin, I’ve got some good news and I’ve got some bad news. Let’s start with the bad news... Did you know that one of the biggest fears we have in life is to get to the end of life with regret? And the sad truth is many people are heading in that direction.

Read: Why you should never give up in life

The good news is that you don’t have to go in that direction, even if you’re struggling in your life right now. You can get things back on track. And that’s why I’m going to share with you my top five tips for getting your life back on track.

Let’s dive in.

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What does it mean to get back on track?

The first part of getting your life back on track means seeking clarity. Specifically, clarity around what it means for you to get your life back on track. What does it look like?

Because getting your life on track will be completely different from what it means to me and what it means to the next person. You see, this is all about understanding your core values.

If you haven’t done a value exercise before, I highly recommend taking the time to go through this process and getting clear on what’s important to you in your life if you haven’t and would like some help with that. I’ve made a video where I can share this with you and also have a free worksheet to help you along the way, I’ll leave a link below this video once you know your values.

Create a vision for your life

Next up, it’s time to create a vision and set some clear goals. You need to know where you’re going, otherwise, you’re going to be walking around like a headless chicken to nowhere (Sorry vegans). I was fortunate enough a few years ago to speak to Bob Proctor before he passed away. And something that Bob said that stuck with me, is that you need to have a clear vision, you need to know where you’re going in life. And most of the time people are stuck in their limited thinking, they’re stuck in their limitations of what they think is possible. As a result, they end up plodding through their life in a way that’s not meaningful and true to them. So, this is about going through a process and an exercise, taking the time to get clear on what it is you want with a crystal-clear vision of the future. Once you have this, this is a clear signpost somewhere in the future where you can move towards every day.

Be open and honest with yourself

Getting back on track is also going to require you to be open and honest about your current situation. Sometimes we sugar-coat things, we distort the truth and we don’t face up to the true reality of where we’re at. But when you can be honest about this, you have a starting point which you can progress from. Without time for honest reflection, it’s going to be very hard to get back on track because we need something to tangible work with. Remember, whenever you aren’t where you want to be, there is a gap that needs closing. We can only begin to accurately close that gap when we know the reality of the situation.

What can you control?

Once you know where you want to go, the next thing to consider is what can you control. This is extremely important. There are so many distractions in today’s world – the busyness of life, multiple social media apps, and all kinds of stuff going on, and it’s very easy to get distracted and be taken in different directions, chasing that next shiny object.

There are some parts of life that we cannot control and some parts that we have more control over. Make sure you’re not shifting your attention onto the uncontrollable. I made a video in the past where it went through an exercise to share with you if you’re feeling overwhelmed and you’ve got all of these things on your mind and all of these things to do about delegating and getting clear on what’s important. When you focus on the things that you can control, you can start to let go of the other things because oftentimes, people go through the day worrying about what they cannot control. This does nothing except cause stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and stress. We need to be able to let those go and focus on what we can truly control, which is within ourselves.

Take consistent action

Once you have all of these things lined up, the last step and probably the most important step is to take consistent action. You do this by scheduling things into your calendar and creating powerful habits. Essentially, it’s about reverse engineering the process. Let’s quickly recap.

You’ve gained clarity on what you want.

Then, you’ve looked to the future to see where we want to go.

Thirdly, you’ve reflected on your current reality.

Next, you’ve identified the things that you can and can’t control.

Now it’s about implementing and scheduling the tasks, actions, and daily habits that are going to help you move forward to get you back on track. That being said, it’ll be different for every person. Some of the common ones to consider would be exercise routines, your wellness practices, what you’re eating, your sleep routines, and meditation, for example.

Getting back on track

Getting back on track isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t have to be too difficult either, especially if you have a clear plan and the support to make the changes. If this is something that you're struggling with, I can help. Schedule a complimentary discovery call with me to discuss how we can get you moving forward and completely transform your mind, body, and life.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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