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Things Successful People Do Consistently

Today I want to share with you some of the things successful people consistently that others don't.

I think it's fair to say that success can mean different things to different people. But I'll share an interesting thought from Earl Nightingale- Success is the person who is doing what they're doing because it's what the want to be doing.

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1.  Successful people understand how to and regularly set goals.

They understand that if they want to make big changes in life and achieve new things, it requires having an end point and sense of direction.

You wouldn't try and go to a new place that you have never been before with absolutely no sense of direction. You would use some form of tool or method to achieve it and track your progress.

Regular goals will make this happen faster.

2. Successful people get s*** done

They rarely waste time on meaningless and pointless things that won't help get them to where they want to be. They understand that their time is limited and they are on a mission to go after what they truly want.

3. Successful people focus on growth

They understand that if you aren't growing in life, you're going backwards and dying.

They constantly look for ways to challenge and grow themselves in multiple areas of life. Getting comfortable being uncomfortable and looking for whatever way they can make themselves a little better each day.

4. Successful people don't dwell on their past mistakes

Spending too much time in the past is good for nothing. We cannot change what has happened until now. But we can always look forward and make new decisions each day to how we want to show up in life.

Successful people know that living in regret and dwelling about failures too much will not get them to where they want to be. Learn to let go of the things that hold you back.

5. They don't neglect their health

Truly successful people are happy and healthy (in my opinion). Those who are living life in an optimal state of health are far better off than the millionaire who doesn't prioritize that part of their life.

Success doesn't mean you are great in some areas and terrible in other areas. It's about creating a meaningful and fulfilling life that is balanced in a way that you would like it to be.

If you would like to figure out which areas you most need to work on you can use the wheel of life in a free mindset mastery toolkit that I created to help you.


Now you know some of the things successful people do that others don't, you can begin to use some of these in your life.

We are all at different stages of life on our own journey's. I'm here to help support you and offer you any guidance based on my own experience and tools I have learnt along my own journey.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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