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What To Eat To Lose Weight Fast

I get it, you’re fed up with how you’re currently feeling and you just want to know what to eat to lose weight fast.

You’ve been told many different things from various people and you sort of have an idea of what you think you should avoid. But if you’re totally honest with yourself, it’s all just a little too confusing.

That’s why I’m here to help you know what to eat to lose weight fast.

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Before we get to that, it’s important that we clear up some relevant information.

Losing weight fast potentially puts you at risk of gaining weight fast. “Why”, you ask?

A few reasons actually...

Firstly, your body can only burn body fat off at the rate that it can. (You simply won’t be burning 10lbs of fat overnight, sorry to tell you)

Secondly, what leaves easily comes back easily… That’s why I recommend understanding how to lose weight naturally and permanently. You can definitely make it happen but just go with some caution. I want you to approach this with a mindset that is going to set you up for long term success, not an overnight attempt at an extremely unhealthy strategy.

Now we’ve got that cleared up, let’s get to it.

Step 1: Self-Reflection 

Let’s spend some time to self-examine what you’re currently doing.

Grab a pen and paper and write down everything you can remember that you consumed over the past 3 days. This includes every drop of milk in your coffee, condiments on your dinner, and oils that you used to cook your food in.

Include everything that contains a calorie, which has been digested by your body.

I just want you to become aware of what you’re consuming. Self-awareness is the first step. Oftentimes, with self-awareness comes a desire to change simply from the action of fully observing what you’re doing.

Step 2: Plan the necessary changes

Before we mention specific foods, let’s get something straight.

You are overweight because you consume more energy (kcals) than the energy that you burn off (exercise). This is regardless of the types of food that you eat.

However, the food you choose to eat is still extremely important. (We’ll get to that shortly).

So now we know that the main issue is energy balance, how do we figure out what that should be?

I’m going to keep it very simple for you.

Take your body weight in lbs and multiply it by the number 12.

For example:

If you weigh 200lbs, multiply 200 X 12 = 2400kcals. (you may have to adjust the number 12 slightly lower or higher depending on your results.)

I would play around with the numbers from 10,11,12,13 X your body weight in-lbs. See where lands well for you based on your lifestyle.

Now, let’s assume that you are exercising for 3-4 times per week at a minimum of 30 minutes each time, and preferably 45-60mins.

This is going to be a pretty good ballpark for losing weight when done consistently.

What to eat to lose weight fast (right now, tomorrow, next week, in a month)

Probably the bit you came here looking for…

If we know that losing weight is about energy balance, then it means the food we consume and the quantities of food we consume are important. That’s why I always offer my clients a free portion size guide to use for your meals.

This makes things far less daunting and easy to follow.

If you take one piece of information from this post, then let it be this:

Focus on eating natural whole foods and less processed foods.

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Step 3: Action the Plan

The Actual Foods to Eat if You Want to Know What to Eat to Lose Weight Fast

Generally speaking, if you focus on eating whole, natural foods, and you cut out the junk, you’ll see results.

Food isn’t created equally and calories are not everything. Many people believe that dietary fat is bad because it’s higher in calories. In actual fact, it is essential for your health.

Below I’ll go over some common foods and put them into simple categories to understand. There are many foods that are healthy and that can be consumed, but these should give you a good foundation to build from.

Low-calorie nutritious foods

Mixed leafy greens (spinach, kale, arugula, etc.…)

Mixed green vegetables (Broccoli, asparagus, sprouts, cabbage, green beans, etc...)

Other vegetables (Beets, carrots, parsnips, celery, peppers, etc...)

Protein sources

Vegan or whey protein supplementation

Lean turkey






Healthy fat sources

Extra virgin olive oil


Nuts and seeds

Coconut oil

Omega 3 fish oils

Flax seeds

Carbohydrate sources

Sweet potatoes



Fruit in moderation (berries, bananas)


Step 4: Increase your activity levels

How to see results fast

Let’s assume you completely revamp your grocery list to something somewhat similar to the above, you’ll most likely start seeing some results very quickly.

To further that speed, it will require an increase in physical activity levels (exercise) either in or outside of a gym.

When these things are combined, results happen much faster.

If you need some help with your workout and nutrition, click here to get a free trial of our online coaching program. This will get you set up for success right away!

Step 5: Rinse and Repeat

Repetition is the mother of all skills.

To see results that are worthy and long-lasting, you must be consistent and keep moving forward.

Find a system or strategy that works for you and continue doing it until you start seeing the results you want.

Far too many people give up before they’ve even begun.


I could tell you to eat very little food, dehydrate yourself, and sit in a sauna to sweat out some more. This would be stupid and extremely unhealthy. Please DON’T do this!

The point is, oftentimes the things that we want so badly, actually take a bit of time. But that time will be shortened when you follow the healthy principles mentioned in this post.

It won’t take long for the weight to come off in the right amounts and in a way that will leave you feeling healthier and happier.

I hope that helps.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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