7 Traits of Happy People

7 traits of happy people image

There have been a number of research studies done on happiness including which things are and aren’t likely to impact it.  Today I am going to share with you 7 traits of happy people.

In another post I talk about the secret of happiness and the fact that genetics play a part in your overall happiness. Today we are focusing on the factors that you have conscious control over.

Let’s get to it!

1. Gratitude

Happier people often show, feel, and act with gratitude on a daily basis.  It is something so simple that is available to us all but many people take things for granted and don’t take the time to really appreciate and give gratitude to the good in their life.  Simply by focusing on things throughout your day that you are grateful for will have a big impact on your levels of positive emotion on a consistent basis.

2. Be first to offer a helping hand

Helping others is an essential part of our own happiness.  Don’t always wait to receive things.  Be the first to offer a helping hand when you can.

3. Optimi​​​​stic

Life is full of negativity around us and it can be easy to get caught up in the pessimistic kind of thinking sometimes.  Always keeping your eyes fixed upon the good in things will naturally allow you to feel happier feelings.  Negative thoughts will lead to negative emotions, so thinking optimistically gives you more time of happier feelings.

4. Live in the present

​Many negative emotions occur from the lack of being present.  When we think to the future that has not yet happened, or we reflect upon the times from the past, the realization that it isn’t where we currently are causes us to feel as if we’re missing something, or somehow not yet ‘complete.  The truth is that the only time is right here and now.  Happiness is something that can be experienced by being completely present in the moment.  It’s okay to think and vision your future, but it’s the present moment’s actions that will make that future become true.

5. Physical activity

​Forming the habit of regular physical activity has been clearly proven a number of times that it provides us with many health benefits, including the release of our feel-good hormone which leaves us feeling happier.  People who exercise more often and take care of their health are much happier.

6. More spiritual 

When you take the time to connect with yourself and find peace within, you begin to realize that what many seek in the hope for happiness, it actually already exists right here and now.  Improving your self-awareness and connecting to your inner being will allow more clarity, better health, and happiness.

7. Deeply committed to life goals

​Pursuing your passion, purpose, or life goals really creates a sense of meaning and happiness within ourselves.  Taking charge of your own life and really living the life you do because it’s what you really want will give you a feeling inside that no other can.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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