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  • How To Live Life To The Fullest When Everyone Else Is Stuck In A Box

How To Live Life To The Fullest When Everyone Else Is Stuck In A Box

We look at so many people who seem to be elevating their lifestyle, yet even more people appear to be struggling. Why is that? We were all born with the same set of tools to create the life we want. But some people seem to move forwards with such intensity to achieve greater things. Today I'm going to talk about how to live your life to the fullest when everyone else is stuck in a box.

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Here's my definition:

Living life to the fullest means that we live in full alignment with who we truly are and what we're capable of becoming - without the limitations, fears, doubts, and external circumstances dictating the way we think, feel, and act so that ultimately we can live life on our terms. With the full freedom to experience all of the great things in life.

Beyond our basic human needs for survival (shelter and food), we have other needs. It's within our nature to want to expand and grow. This can be seen in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid

Image sourced from https://www.wikipedia.org/

Now I'll share with you some of the things that have helped me take more control of my life.

1. Know what you truly want

Perhaps you have a vision to travel the world, maybe you've always dreamed about starting a business, or pursuing your passion full time. You might be someone who has tentatively thought about it, but not in much depth. And this may be due to a lack of clarity or self-belief.

Many people go through life playing it small because they've never given much thought to what they truly want. If you're one of the few who do know what you want, do you believe it's possible?

2. Create the time for dreaming

Several years ago, Bob Proctor said to me on a coaching call, "Paul, forget about your circumstances. Think about what you truly want. You don't need to know the 'how' just yet. Focus on what excites you to go after it."

That stuck with me. I began to put my time into visualization and allowed myself to dream. At first, I didn't believe any of it was possible, but I believed Bob knew what he was talking about, so I listened. Over time, my beliefs changed and my visions became real.

Don't let your past dictate your future. It doesn't have to stop you from dreaming about new possibilities.

Key point: Don't allow your current circumstances to limit your thinking. 

3. Create goals that excite you

Knowing that you're going after something big in your life will require you to set goals that excite you. If you want to make $200,000 per year, but you set your goal for $60,000, it's not going to have the same drive behind it.

Some will argue that you shouldn't aim too big because it will seem too impossible and cause inaction. However, I believe if you have something big, exciting, and meaningful, it will give you a sense of energy and mission each day when you get out of bed.

Challenges will arise along the way, so it's important to have something meaningful to you. Why do you want to achieve the goal?

4. Spend time to reflect and create

There's a common belief that we have to crush every day and hustle like there's no tomorrow. But to be quite honest, this will only lead to frustration, burnout, and a lack of drive to continue. Everyone is different, but we're all the same when it comes to needing to rest and recover.

Giving yourself some downtime to reflect on things will allow for my clarity and energy to create it. And finding time in your schedule to create will ensure there's a nice balance of work and reflection.

If you're ever feeling stuck and want an answer, trying to force it is the worst thing that you can do. Find time for disconnection such as a walk-in nature, meditation, time spent on a hobby, etc... This will take away any forced energy towards where you feel stuck.

Tip: Before falling asleep at night, ask yourself a question that you'd like to know the answer to. As you fall asleep, your subconscious mind will begin going to work for you. You may gain insights in the morning, in the shower, or in a moment you least expect.

5. Don't let your current circumstances control your thinking

It's much easier said than done, right? But when you're able to master this one thing, you'll have full control over yourself and most of your life experiences.

We're so used to finding ways to remain safe and comfortable (it's how we survive). However, when it comes to growth, this can be a huge downfall. We tend to focus on the familiar and use our experiences to help us make decisions. The problem with this is that growth requires us to push through into the unknown. And the unknown is often uncomfortable. Additionally, we often lie to ourselves in order to remain safe. Please don't do this.

Tip: Get into a deep meditation and practice focusing on how you want to feel. Allow your thoughts and feelings to move towards the life and person you want to become. You can do this before the physical life changes have happened. What does it feel like? Feel like? Smell like? Get emotionally involved with what you want to create.

6. Check your current environment

Proximity is power. You've probably heard many times that you are a product of the 5 people you spend the most time with (or something along those lines). And there is great truth to this. That's why it's so important to connect with people who are going places or who are already ahead of you in their journey.

7. Think about the end of your life

There is tremendous power in gaining perspective of our lives. Because day to day, we don't always think about our time running out. And one day, it will run out for every single one of us. By thinking forwards to the end of your life, you can ponder some possible questions to ask yourself.

What do I want to be remembered for?

Am I going to have regret if I don't do something?

What life did I want to live and what stopped me? 

Which fears should I have overcome?

These types of questions will give you a perspective into the areas that you can work on today. Because today is all we have.

How to live life to the fullest (when everyone else is stuck in a box)

Being stuck in a box can also be described as being stuck in the prison of your own mind. It's where you let your fears, self-doubts, and limiting thoughts keep you stuck, even though you want to be free.

Hopefully, these strategies can help shift your perspective and give you a push to move towards the life you want.

If you're looking to make some big shifts in your life and breakthrough some of your internal barriers, let's connect. I work with a select group of 1:1 clients to help them get out of their own way and elevate their entire life. If this message speaks to you, click here to book a discovery call with me and we can see if it's a good fit to help you elevate your life forward.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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