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How Too Much Positivity Could Be Holding You Back

Smile be present image

I constantly seek positivity and have trained myself to notice when something isn’t on that awesome vibration of high-flying synchronicity. It came to mind the walking the streets of Vancouver recently, that we have to be extremely careful not to overdo the positive-filled thinking. Tony Robbins once spoke on this and said to see things as they are, but no worse than they are. This means to accept reality, and not pretend something is positive if it doesn’t seem that way. But also to not see things worse than they are and beat ourselves up about it.

Oftentimes, people will see things with an unclear view, which can make situations seem overwhelming. When we look for positivity, we train ourselves to see the good in things as a natural state of being, which is an amazing thing. But, sometimes it’s okay to feel negativity and unpleasant emotions. We are human beings, and it is impossible to see everything with a Mr. Happy lens on all the time. I would always view the glass as half-full, and live with full optimism about life and embrace the challenges that come with it. It’s okay to feel negative emotions and we cannot always be flying high.

Where the issues lie…

  1. One of the biggest problems with too much positivity is that we can begin to cut ourselves off from genuine problems that need to be addressed. We then think that we are immune to any negative situation, or that our feelings are so buried away that we believe we have grown into stronger people when in actual fact we are holding onto deep pain.
  2. Additionally, we can end up getting ourselves into very difficult situations with this mindset, and at times become delusional. Let’s use finances as an example… You could be having some financial difficulty, but your evergreen optimism tells you that it doesn’t matter and that shit will get better; until it’s too late of course! You lose your job, can’t pay your rent, and so on…

Pretending things are different from reality may be okay for a while, but it won’t improve your well-being, happiness, or life. It is better to accept things how they are and take the necessary next steps.

So where from here?

I strongly believe that positive thinking and optimism serve us very well. In fact, I would urge everybody seeking a better life to improve their thinking and begin to see the good they wish to see and have. It just needs to be done with caution. We all have a choice in how we feel for the majority of the time. Part of this comes down to deciding to take charge of our own lives and not live with mediocrity. Our feelings are determined by the meaning that we attach to our thoughts.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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