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  • The Hustle Life – is it Making or Breaking You?

The Hustle Life – is it Making or Breaking You?


Today, with every corner of the earth so close to our fingertips, stories of success are becoming the norm; being achieved by thousands of people from all walks of life.  The ‘hustle’ life seems to be floating around the world of entrepreneurship.  

The idea of work, work, and more work…


The internet has become a place to share our knowledge and passions with those who care to listen. Oftentimes, nobody is listening. This is all part of the journey of success. Setbacks and failures are the stepping stones.

A pursuit of goals, dreams, and freedom are on more people’s minds each day. We live in an incredibly exciting time, and now more than ever, we are seeing thousands of people living their dream lifestyle. 

But the desire for success requires a great deal of work.  So much so that the word hustle has now taken over many entrepreneur’s lives.

Hustle life

Hustle – “push roughly; jostle”

It would be ignorant and stupid of me to say that success requires no work because we know that simply isn’t true. 

I’ll be the first to say that if you want something badly, you must be willing to be committed and make some sacrifices to achieve your dreams.

But what I have noticed following many successful experts and entrepreneurs is that they promote hustle like there is nothing else that matters.  

Well, who cares if it leads to success? Who cares if you’re super unhappy and burnout on your journey?

ReadThe Secret of Happiness

I care, and maybe you do too..

I’ll give you some serious things to consider before you try to offload a pile of ‘balance’ from your life.

1.  Sleeping is essential to healthy and sustainable success

Time and time again I have heard statements such as: “you must be willing to lose sleep”, “you gotta stay up all night”, or “you can sleep when you’re dead”.


Is the hustle life really that important?

It has been proven time and time again that we all require a certain amount of sleep to maintain good health, feel energized, and be at our best.

How do you feel on just one hour less sleep per night than usual?  Try that with a few extra hours off, then replacing them with a few extra hours of hustle!

Are you going to make a difference in your life?  Are you going to feel 100%, full of energy, motivated, and eager to smash your day?

Chances are the answer is no.

We all need time for sleep, to recover, rest, repair, and recharge for the next day to give it our all.

When we are rested we feel good, and we feel good we act differently, and as a result, things start to happen for the better.

A better way to get more done in your day is to beat procrastination.

2.  Living in alignment with your values creates peace and fulfillment

What’s the point in 24/7 hustle if you are neglecting what is truly important to you?

Why are you doing what you do?

Are you finding time for other important things?  Family, friends, social time, relationships, personal hobbies?

I get it…

More money can create more freedom to do the things you want to be doing.  But are you pushing too hard and not actually having that freedom you want so badly?

I encourage you to spend some time to figure out what is important to you and start to fill in the blanks that are missing.

You can still work hard and pursue your passion, but it’s much better to use time efficiently and know what you are doing is moving you forward in all areas of your life.

3.  The future never exists until it becomes the now

Your future life is created by what you do at this moment. But you can only be truly happy in the present moment, therefore it is essential that we consider our lives beyond what we are hustling for.

What does it mean to be present?

When we are focused on this exact moment and whatever it is we are doing then we begin to feel a sense of incredible calmness and stillness.

There are no past or future thoughts, just pure enjoyment and appreciation at this moment here and now.

Giving ourselves time to relax and take care of the stresses will open up new pathways to creativity. This will help you on your journey for success.

Hundreds and thousands of thoughts go through our heads every day.  The more we can step back and focus on being present, then the calmer, healthier, and happier we will feel.

There will become less of a need to hustle all day, every day because we realize what is truly important to us and we realize how much more productive we can become by making time for self-care.


By all means please find your passion and purpose, and pursue that with whatever you can.

But just think about the bigger picture of life, and how would you look back on your life at the end?

Did you do what you wanted?  Spend enough time with those you care about?  Waste months and years doing things you hated? 

Did you live life on your own terms?

Continue your hustle and the journey towards your dreams.  Just take a step back sometimes and ensure you are maintaining balance for yourself.

It’s okay to have a few late nights, to miss a few social gatherings, and to skip out on some opportunities now and again. But I would hate for you to get to the end of your life having always been hustling, searching, and working for something that cannot replace the most important things in your life.

Key Takeaways

  1. Go after your dreams in life. Work hard and pursue them, but do it efficiently and mindfully of everything else in your life.
  2. Take time for self-care and practice being present

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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