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6 Habits That Are Secretly Making You Miserable


Our habits define us. They reveal how we are choosing to live our lives, in good ways and bad ways. There are hundreds of bad habits, all with varying degrees of consequences. Today we’re going to cover 6 habits that are secretly making you miserable.

(Also read: Healthy Habits to Boost Your Energy And Improve Your Sleep)

When you can eliminate these bad habits and replace them with healthier and more empowering habits, life will become much more enjoyable. You'll have more energy, zest, and drive for the things in your life. So without further ado, let's get to it.

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6 examples of bad habits

1. Too much time on social media

Social media itself isn’t the problem. But many of the platforms are designed to keep people using them for as long as possible. That’s because it’s in their best interest for business. But I don’t want to crap on social media platforms, because they can be powerful tools when used correctly.

As individuals, it’s down to us to notice when these habits are serving us or harming us. Consider implementing a schedule that allows you to use them at set times. Mindlessly scrolling every hour of the day isn’t helping you, unless you’re specifically using it with purpose.

Try to replace this time with something else. A book, meditation, a walk, journaling, listening to or playing music, getting outside to play some sports. Something to get you away from the constant stimulation.

2. Comparing yourself to others

This links on from the above issue. Social media is a great example of how we see people’s best bits through the perspective in which they choose to share. Filtered images and shiny objects give a false perception of the truth. Of course, this isn’t always the case. But it happens way too frequently.

The problem with comparing ourselves to others is that we’ll always lose. That’s because we are unique and not like anybody else. This should be celebrated, not disliked. Basing your self-worth and value on how you perceive the lives of others is a dangerous place to be. The truth is, there will always be someone who is better looking, has more money, is in better shape, and so on.

Focus on expressing self-love to yourself. Appreciate who you are and the journey that you’re on. And aim for progress over perfection.

3. Seeking an escape

We frequently seek escapism in different forms. This is heavily down to the fact we don’t like feeling discomfort. It’s much easier to distract ourselves from life, our problems, and our unhappy thoughts around our entire life. This comes in the form of alcohol, porn, drugs, binge eating, binge-watching, social media addiction, etc.

Not all of these distractions are inherently bad, but rather, how we approach them. When you’re doing things in future, be mindful of the intention behind it. Are you actively seeking an escape or are you operating from a place of intention? Learning to sit in your discomfort is One of the most powerful things that you can do for yourself, feeling whatever comes up without judgement. Allow things to be. Reflect on our thoughts and feelings. This will help you to understand yourself on a very deep level and allow for tremendous growth. This is the path to inner peace.

4. Poor routines and habits

What things are you doing too frequently that isn’t serving you? Our habits indicate a lot about ourselves and what’s going on. It’s clear for all to see the difference in one’s fitness habits simply through contrasting physical differences. Consider taking a look across your habits in life and see where you can find space to make the necessary changes.

For instance, if you never exercise, always sleep in, eat junk food, smoke, and have zero goals, the chances are you won’t feel anywhere near your best. Start to include 1 or 2 new habits by replacing some habits that are currently not serving you.

If needed, get some support in your social circle.

5. Too much attention on ourselves

Many of these things are about ourselves. But there is also a factor to consider that, maybe, we should focus more outwardly. People walk down the street stuck in their heads so worried what someone else might think of them. They are afraid to do things because they fear being judged by others. But the truth is, nobody cares. Why? Because people are all thinking the same thing worrying about themselves and how they’re perceived.

How about switching the focus onto other people in a positive way? For example - buying a stranger coffee, complimenting someone, offering to help a friend, being present with your partner and showing your appreciation. When we shift our focus like this, we stop worrying about ourselves. This is an extremely powerful way to shift your feelings in an upwards direction.

6. Repeating our stories from the past

This will keep you stuck in your life. It will limit what is possible for you. It’s like failing at something in your life and then saying “this is me and my life”. No, it’s not. Just because you have experienced challenges in your life and had bad things happen, you aren’t bound to that.

Every day we have a choice to focus on what we want. Whenever someone gets stuck in the past, they are keeping themselves there. Don’t do that. Create a new story of yourself and your life. Be the person you want to be today. Let go of the old beliefs and disempowering stories. Create something new that inspires you to grow, live, and enjoy the vast experiences of life.

6 Habits That Are Secretly Making You Miserable

These habits can be changed at any moment. Start to identify where you feel stuck and then commit to making the necessary changes. You can create the life you want. But you have to believe in it, you have to believe in yourself, and you have to believe in everything that you stand for.

If you want some help on your journey and are serious about elevating your life to a new level, I can help. Book a complimentary call to gain some clarity around your path moving forward. If it’s a good fit, then we can speed up your success and get things moving.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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