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How to Change Your Mindset For Success

Your experience in life is largely determined by your perception of the world and the things that are in it. Changing your mindset for success is about becoming aware of your limitations, challenging your beliefs, and making a conscious choice to shift your thinking. 

You may or may not be familiar with Carol Dweck's popular book, Growth Mindset. In this book, Carol discusses the key differences between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. Ultimately, if you have a fixed mindset, you’re playing is small in life and massively limiting yourself to the things that are possible.

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Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

People with a growth mindset enjoy challenges. They welcome feedback because they have a hunger to learn and grow. They always find a way to move ahead. But if you have a fixed mindset, you're going to be very limited with what you can do in your life. So first up, changing your mindset comes from having an understanding of your mind in the first place.

Some of the key differences are listed in this image.

growth mindset vs fixed mindset

Understanding your mind

You have your conscious mind and you have your subconscious mind. You can think of your conscious mind as a series of tools or superpowers. We have mental faculties which give us so much power in our lives when harnessed correctly.

The 6 mental faculties

  • Imagination
  • Intuition
  • Will
  • Reason
  • Memory
  • Perception

These mental faculties can help you create the life you truly want by designing a vision for your life.

Bob Proctor taught me these in detail with his program, Magic in Your Mind.

Your subconscious mind (also referred to as the emotional mind), can be thought of like a software program that runs on autopilot. Or more likely, a series of programs.

You can even think of it as the body because the subconscious mind is where the habits are. It's where the self-image is, your identity, your beliefs, and how you see yourself. So, if you want to shift your mind, you need to understand that your beliefs drive your actions and your actions determine your results.

What does this mean? You guessed it… It means that your limiting beliefs will hold you back, so you must change the programming. Doing so means having an open mind and the awareness to examine your current reality.

Examine Your Beliefs

To see what beliefs you currently have, whether its beliefs around money, beliefs around relationships, beliefs around lifestyle, health, or whatever those things are. Why do you feel limited or stuck? The first place would be to look at your beliefs and be open-minded, and perhaps it's time to make some changes to those. If you want to change your beliefs, I've created a free belief blueprint that you can get. It's a process that you can go through in your own time.

But ultimately, a belief is just a thought that you've kept thinking about for some time. In other words, it's the repetition of that idea that gets embedded into the subconscious mind. Once you open your mind with curiosity, you are set up for success. Because those are the key fundamental pieces that are going to allow you to move forwards in your life.

The power of awareness

Awareness is the starting point for change.

"You can't escape a prison if you don't know you're in one." - Bob Proctor

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You can’t escape a prison if you don’t realize that you’re in one. Many people live this way. Let’s elaborate a little… It’s fair to say that most people would like to change their life in some way, right? Take money, for example. A person doesn't earn $500 a month because they want to earn $500 a month, they earn $500 a month because they don't know how to earn $5,000 a month or $10,000 a month.

This sounds quite obvious, but knowledge and action are completely different things.

Awareness comes from studying and expanding the mind. I shared a previous post in the past about how Bob Proctor taught me The 7 levels of awareness.

A person doesn't keep attracting the wrong type of relationship in their life on purpose, it’s because they’re unconsciously repeating old patterns and aren’t aware of how to change them.

Check out Neville Goddard’s classic book: The Power of Awareness.

Don’t be like the baby elephant

You may have heard the story of the elephant that has a chain around its legs as a baby.  As the elephant gets older, the chain is still there. But at some point, the chain breaks off, but the elephant stays stuck because the elephant truly believes it is bound to its current environment.

In other words, after a few times failing as a baby, the elephant accepted that it wasn’t able to move outside of its comfort zone, even though it was now much bigger and stronger.

Now, this is a great analogy of how many people live their lives. They have these belief patterns that have been injected from other people from a young age, from things that have happened in the past.

This is how limiting beliefs keep people stuck in life. They keep people playing it safe, playing it small unless we have the awareness and we decide that we want to change them.

Going back to awareness, can you now see how the elephant would have been able to change its circumstances if it had the awareness to change?

The next steps

Once you begin this path and you become more aware, you start challenging the beliefs you've had and you're looking for new ideas The next part is to study, take in new information and new ideas - reading books, listening to podcasts, watching videos, hiring a coach or mentor, learning from experts, and filling your mind with different information.

How I changed

I remember several years ago when I was struggling - I was working a job that I hated, I wasn't making much money, I felt very stuck and I felt trapped in my life. There was a moment when I realized that I’d had enough. Something had to change and I was determined to do all that I could to make it happen.

Outside of my job, I began to seek answers that would allow me to change my life. In short, I transformed my body and mindset, quit my job, bought a one-way ticket to Canada, and started a new adventure.

You can learn more about how I transformed my life here.

All of these changes happened because I understood the things that drove me. I developed a persistence to never give up, no matter what. This cannot be underestimated and needs to be understood if you want to make a big change. Know why you get out of bed each day and let it drive you.

Persistence pays off

At one point on my journey, I remember feeling a sense of “knowing” that I could change my life. It's not, “Oh, I hope I can do it.” My beliefs had shifted and I truly began to feel this new truth. Persistence is powerful because when you change the belief of something you want, it's going to drive your behaviour. Whereas if there's something that you want in your life and you don't truly believe it, your actions aren't going to align with that.

“Repetition is the mother of all skill.”

Most people go wrong here because they're trying to change something in the outside world without changing what's going on in the inside world. That is the fundamental piece of change in your mindset. If you only remember one thing here, remember that. It's about looking at your current circumstances and not letting whatever's happening now or in your past, dictate the way you think, feel and act in this moment.

Shift your thinking

You can change everything simply by shifting your thinking, opening your mind, and taking in new ideas that are going to set you up for success. Just take a moment…. Now, imagine what your life may look like in your relationships, business, finances, health, lifestyle, and the things you do day to day.

All of it is possible. However, you must become very clear on the deeper meaning and reasons. In other words, why do you want it?

Understanding those reasons and understanding those pain points are going to be so powerful for you moving forward.

Are you ready for a change?

If you feel like you go around in circles you feel like life is going on autopilot, you're running on a treadmill to nowhere and you're feeling frustrated. Maybe you consider yourself a little bit of a self-help junkie. You're watching all of this stuff, reading all these books you're trying to change, but it's not quite happening. This is for you…

Book a discovery call to make some massive shifts in your life.

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About the author

Paul Wadsworth

Paul Wadsworth is a transformational mind, body, and lifestyle coach in Vancouver BC. He helps people worldwide to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, so they can live with more energy, confidence, and clarity.

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